Summer Madness

Jun 30th 2019

It's been a busy year so far. I finally got my book published. I've been at a lot of events selling my work, I've almost been rained out of a few with the crazy weather. Meanwhile, I'm still working my part time job and producing new art as well. It gets pretty hectic sometimes. This month though, will be the craziest month by far this year, and I am so looking forward to it.

I'm growing more and more comfortable talking to people, finding common ground and just letting people get to know me as an artist. Going to events is becoming more and more fun. I'm not as shy and timid as when I first started. Talking to people at events who appreciate my art and talking to other artists brings me a happiness I never quite felt before. It's just beautiful and makes me feel amazing. Being an artist and sharing my art with others just feels so right.

It's becoming easier to create and finish projects. I'm able to lock in on that emotion that feeds my creativity for each piece. It's like I've unlocked a part of me that now I don't shy away from what I'm feeling inside. I let it come to the surface and flow through me into my art. Whether it's happiness or frustration I let it out. Finding that freedom to finally let go has changed me so much. I was never good at saying how I felt through words, everything always got all jumbled and messed up. But through my art, I can say it all and that is the best feeling in the world.

I still create a lot of happy, whimsical, kind of silly pieces but now, I have new art that honestly shows how I feel more. It may be how I feel as an artist sometimes, it may be how certain subjects on the news make me feel. Just expressing myself more through my art has lifted a weight off my shoulders and has made life so much more enjoyable.

These last few weeks I have focused more on the negative emotions that I use to lock away. It's time I release them. Feel free to take a look at some of the pieces I am currently working on. They're all a work in progress, some of them I'm waiting for more materials but they're all pieces that I feel so connected to and I can't wait to see how they turn out.